Equation and Nottingham Youth Justice Service are working together on a research project around girls or young women’s experiences of violence. 

The term ‘violence’ could include:

  • Violence or abuse from a boyfriend, girlfriend, friend or family member
  • Anyone who has caused you harm or forced you to do something you are uncomfortable with, or
  • Threats of violence.

We are looking for young women in Nottinghamshire, aged between 10-25 to take part in interviews about their experiences. 


Taking Part

If you would like to take part, please fill out an online form to check you are eligible and to share your contact details with us.

What is the purpose of the research? 

The purpose of the study is to hear the voices of girls and young women in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire, especially those that are less often heard. We particularly want to hear about experiences of sensitive topics such as unhealthy relationships, domestic abuse, exploitation and sexual abuse.

It is possible that Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire are not recognising the needs of young women with these experiences and/or not providing important information, support or services for them and this research will aim to improve this.

The information shared will be used to make services better for girls and young women, increasing their safety and protection from future experiences of violence.

How can I take part?

If you would like to take part, you will need to: 

  • Live in Nottingham City or Nottinghamshire County
  • Be aged between 10-25 years
  • Be comfortable sharing your experiences with an interviewer 

What Does Taking Part Involve?

As a young female taking part in the study, you will be asked some questions either on your own or as a group discussion about your understanding and experiences of violence (you don’t have to be part of any group discussion if you’d rather not). You will also be asked specifically about the role of social media and substance misuse and how his may or may not have contributed to your experience of violence.

You will also be asked to provide some demographic information (age, gender etc.) however if you do not feel comfortable sharing that with us you can select you ‘prefer not to say’.

What are the benefits of taking part? 

This study is a chance for you to have your voice and experiences listened to and believed. By taking part, you will be helping improve support for those who may go through similar experiences in the future. To say thank you for your time, you will also receive a £25 shopping voucher and there will be opportunity for you to access a support package in the event that talking about your experiences is upsetting. 

Will anyone know I’ve taken part?

All information that is collected will be stored, analysed and destroyed in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018) and GDPR Guidance (2018).  This means that all the information given to the research team will be kept anonymous and confidential at all times. No names or identifying information will be used in our write up of the study so people who read it will not know it was you that took part. 

If you agree to take part in the study, you are free to have your information removed at any point without any negative effects. You can change your mind about taking part at any point during the study or up when we start writing up the research. We will keep you informed of when this will be and let you know how you can withdraw your interview. 

What are the next steps?

If you would like to take part, please fill out an eligibility form and one of our team will be in contact to discuss the research further and make sure you are happy and comfortable with the process. 



Want to find out more about our research project? Please email info@equation.org.uk 


If you are worried about a relationship then try to talk to someone you trust about what you are experiencing. There are plenty of places to get help and support.   

Whether you are:

  • in an unhealthy relationship yourself
  • worried about a friend’s relationship, or
  • concerned about your parent’s relationship,

there is plenty of support available to you. Click on the links below to discover all the support services and what they offer.


It can be hard to ask for support, but all of these services have trained workers who are there to listen to you and you don’t have to give your details.


There are plenty of support services available, both nationally and locally to offer you help and advice on any of the issues mentioned on this website.

Help a Friend

The first person people talk to is often a friend. Telling someone can help reduce the feeling of isolation and can help with feelings of confusion.

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