Equation is recognised nationally for our expertise in resource development. We have a suite of resources to support professionals including teachers, children’s services and youth workers when working with children and young people around domestic abuse and healthy relationships. They’ve been designed to be simple to use, engaging and supportive.  

There are two types of resources available; Domestic Abuse support booklets or Healthy Relationships booklets for use in Relationships and Sex (RSE) education and at home. 


Resources for Supporting Children Young People experiencing Domestic Abuse

Booklet for me

A Booklet for Me: Helping Children Explore Their Experience of Domestic Abuse

Age Group: 7-11 years.

This positive and creative activity booklet for children aged 7-11 takes them on a learning journey towards further understanding their experience of abuse and moving forwards.

The child’s journey helps them to understand what abuse is, to reflect on what is happening in their own relationships and to recognise how they are impacted. A Booklet for Me can help children to feel empowered and to move forwards with resilience and strength.

My Book: Helping Young People Explore Their Experience of Domestic Abuse

Age Group: 11+

This positive and creative booklet for older children aged 11+ takes them on a learning journey towards further understanding their experience of abuse and moving forwards.

The young person’s journey helps them to understand what abuse is, to reflect on what is happening in their own relationships and to recognise how they are impacted. My Book can help young people feel empowered and to move forwards with resilience and strength.

Moving Forward: Helping Young Women Explore Their Experience of Abusive Relationships

Age Group: 13+

This high-quality, positive and creative booklet for young women aged 13+ supports them to explore their experience of abuse, and can help them move forwards with healing and recovery.

It takes women on a journey that supports them to explore what abuse is; understand their own experience and address their emotions; build self-esteem for the future; and celebrate friendships.

Healthy Relationships Resources

Choose Your Life: A Positive Guide For All Young Men

Age Group: 11+

This high-quality and creative activity booklet for young men helps them identify the choices they have, including in relationships, and helps empower them to make positive choices. Choose Your Life can build young men’s self-esteem. It is particularly suitable for young men using abusive behaviour, experiencing or vulnerable to domestic abuse.

Self-Esteem: A Positive Guide For All Young Women

Age Group: 11+

This positive and inspiring activity booklet for young women helps them build resilience, recognise their strengths and feel empowered to pursue a positive future.  It is particularly suitable for young women experiencing domestic abuse, vulnerable to abuse or using abusive behaviour.

Sex: Consent and Consequences, Rights and Responsibilities

Age Group: 11+

This is an information booklet tailored for young people that delivers the facts about sex when it comes to individual rights and responsibilities, and the emotional and legal necessity of consent for sexual intimacy. It empowers young people to make informed, safe and positive choices through delivering clear, non-judgemental sex and relationships information.

Suitable as a standalone guide for all young people of secondary school age (11+).

Healthy Relationships Posters

Age Group: 11+

This set of 4 posters are aimed  at young people of secondary school age. Designed to go alongside our Equate projects, they raise awareness of healthy relationships, abuse, sexting and consent. They signpost young people to the ChildLine helpline and to Equation’s Respect Not Fear website. Perfect for secondary schools, alternative education provisions and youth clubs.

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