Equation’s targeted projects, Choices and Know More, address the risk of domestic abuse and sexual violence by building self-esteem and confidence. The promotion of healthy relationships is a key part of the sessions, encouraging young people to make informed decisions in their lives. Effective early intervention projects are crucial in preventing negative attitudes hardening into adulthood, and both these targeted initiatives work towards this aim. 

Why are these projects needed in schools? 

  • Girl Guiding’s Girls’ Attitudes Survey 2017, found 64% of girl’s aged 13-21 had experienced sexual violence or sexual harassment at school or college in the past year. This included 39% having their bra strap pulled by a boy and 27% having their skirts pulled up within the last week.  
  • Over a third (37%) of female students and 6% of male students at mixed-sex schools have personally experienced some form of sexual harassment at school.  
  • Almost a quarter (24%) of female students and 4% of male students at mixed-sex schools have been subjected to unwanted physical touching of a sexual nature whilst at school.  
  • Girls (14%) were significantly more likely than boys (7%) to report their partner had pressured them to share nude images of themselves in the last year. 
  • Girls are significantly more likely to be victimised with unwanted sexual messages and images from their peers online, with 31% of female respondents aged 13-17 years saying they’d experienced this in the last year compared to 11% of male respondents.   

Equation’s Targeted Projects


Find out about Know More, Equation’s targeted project for young women


Learn more about Choices, Equation’s targeted project for young men.

This violence puts young people in danger and can affect retention, achievement and attainment at school. Prevention work to stop domestic abuse needs to start early, and it’s hugely important to encourage all young people to aspire to have healthy relationships in the future, and indeed acknowledge that they deserve healthy relationships. This is especially important for young people in vulnerable situations, such as those involved in abusive unhealthy relationships, gangs and County Line drug trafficking.   

 It’s equally as important to start working with young people who are demonstrating potentially abusive attitudes and behaviours, to stop these from hardening and introduce them to positive and healthy ideas about relationships in a supportive setting. 

About the projects

What students, parents and teachers think…

I’ve been able to help my sister. She didn’t realise her boyfriend was not treating her right. 


Know More Project

Can I do this group next year every week as it has helped me feel good about myself


Choices Project

The Anger session really helped me. Especially hearing how everyone else copes with their anger…I do things differently now.


Know More Project

Thanks for the time, energy and enthusiasm you have put into the project with some of our most vulnerable boys. It has been brilliant to have someone work with them in such a positive way (…) I have been really impressed with the calm, assertive way you have handled them and was really reassured that you would be happy to work with similar boys again


Targeted Projects

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