It’s a sad fact that 1 in 5 Teenagers in the UK will experience physical abuse (NSPCC, 2016), a tragic statistic only worsened when the impacts of domestic abuse and sexual violence are considered. The reported effects on teenagers include reduced levels of self-esteem and confidence, a higher likelihood of experiencing mental health issues and unsurprisingly, a lack of attendance and ability to concentrate in class (Women and Equalities Committee, 2017). 

 It’s hard to imagine how, in their formative years, facing problems such as these wouldn’t have a direct impact on any child’s future prospects, as their grades and ability to develop healthy social skills are likely to be affected. 

 Following on from the successful outcomes of Equation’s existing training for Children and Young People, we’ve been working to widen the reach of our training to professionals like yourself, enabling you and your colleagues to better safeguard the young adults you work with from experiencing the devastating effects of domestic violence. 

 We now offer a suite of Twilights (90 minute briefings) and half/full day training courses. These training sessions explore multiple prominent and complex issues around teenage abuse and relationships. Accessible to all, the courses are delivered in an engaging and easy to follow format. 


View our selection of aids for teachers and professionals working with children and young people.

What are Twilights?


  • Twilights are a suite of 90-minute training sessions for professionals, particularly those in an educational setting, or those working elsewhere with children and young people.
  • The sessions explore key issues surrounding abuse and relationships, enabling professionals to more keenly identify when children and young people they work with might be at risk, equipping them with the insight and knowledge to take preventative measures and aid survivors in gaining the support they need.
  • The sessions are designed for delivery in your own work setting for convenience and accessibility.
  • Sessions can be delivered as interactive sessions, or in presentation format.
  • The content is suitable for groups of 5 or more. 

Why are Twilights important?

  • One in seven children and young people under the age of 18 will have lived with domestic violence at some point in their childhood’ (Women’s Aid)
  • 16-19 year olds are more at risk of domestic violence than any other age group (Director of Public Prosecutions, 2011)

Domestic abuse is an increasingly complex topic covering a wide variety of issues, including physical violence, consent, coercive control, so-called ‘honour’ based abuse and online safety. In whatever form, abuse and violence puts young people in danger and in many cases affects their attendance and performance at school. With growing diversity in both the forms of abuse and opportunities for it to occur, safeguarding our children and young people also becomes more complex. 

Our Twilight training sessions

Domestic abuse awareness

Did you know… 

In Nottingham, 1 in 5 primary school children are known to DART (Domestic Abuse, recovering Together, NSPCC, 2017) 

Learning outcomes: 

  • Increase practitioners’ understanding and knowledge of domestic violence and abuse, and its impacts on children and young people 
  • Enable practitioners to provide better support to children and young people; this will include thorough safety planning, resilience building, exploring coping strategies and protective factors 
  • Provide workers with practical tools they can utilise with children and young people who have lived with or are living with domestic violence and abuse 
  • Increase workers’ understanding of appropriate referral pathways and signposting 
Domestic abuse in teenage intimate relationships

Did you know… 

1 in 4 teenage girls has experienced physical abuse from their partner (NSPCC, 2009) 

Learning outcomes: 

  • Understand the dynamics of domestic abuse within teenage intimate relationships 
  • Understand the barriers to young people disclosing and accessing support for domestic abuse in their own relationships 
  • Improve skills to enable young people to disclose their experience of domestic abuse and to explore this with them 
  • Improve awareness of the young people’s DASH RIC as a tool to keep young people safe 
  • Increase confidence in using the young people’s DASH RIC 
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE): basic awareness

Did you know… 

At least 16,500 children across England are at risk of CSE each year (The Children’s Society, 2017) 

Learning outcomes:

  • What is CSE? Definition, nature and myth busting 
  • Understanding the vulnerabilities of young people  
  • Knowing the indicators of CSE 
  • Understanding the links to missing children  
  • Knowing how to respond to CSE in your area

Did you know…

There has been a 417% increase in images and videos of child sex abuse since 2013 (IWF, 2016)

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand what sexting is and how it’s defined by young people
  • Know more about how many young people are sending and receiving sexual images
  • Explore the short and long term consequences for those who share sexual images
  • Understand the law around sexting

Did you know…

5,500 Sexual offences were recorded in UK schools over 3 years (Women and Equalities Committee, Sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools, 2017)

Learning outcomes:

  • Define what consent means
  • Explore common myths about consent and sexual violence
  • Focus on capacity to consent and contextualising consent
  • Understand social models of consent
  • Identify situations that make consent difficult to recognise
  • Examine professional barriers to disclosure about sexual violence
  • How to support young people
Forced marriage and Honour based abuse (FM/HBA)

Did you know…

In 2015, Nottinghamshire ranked 8th for the number of calls received by Karma Nirvana’s helpline (Karma Nirvana, 2016)

Learning outcomes:

  • To explore what is meant by the terms ‘honour based abuse’ (HBA) and ‘forced marriage’ (FM)
  • To raise awareness of communities where HBA and FM are prevalent
  • To examine current legislation
  • To gain an understanding of the effects of HBA and FM
  • To inform delegates of appropriate referral pathways and help available
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Did you know…

There were 849 newly identified individuals with FGM within the Midlands and East area between September 2014 and March 2015 (Health Scrutiny Committee report, Dec 2015)

Learning outcomes:

  • Explore what female genital mutilation (FGM) is 
  • Understand the prevalence of FGM, including looking at potentially affected communities
  • Gain insight into the impact of FGM
  • Examine current legislation
  • Consider the role of schools and other professionals in preventing FGM
  • Raise awareness of the multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM
  • Inform delegates of appropriate referral pathways and help available
Online Safety

Did You Know…

78% of children join social media sites before the age they’re allowed to (IWF, 2016)

Learning outcomes:

  • Exploring young people’s online behaviour
  • Considering risk and vulnerability
  • How to keep safe online, build digital fluency and resilience
  • What are young people doing online?
  • Considering risk and vulnerability
  • Keeping safe online and digital resilience
  • Looking at appropriate support services

Half / Full day courses available:

Domestic abuse awareness (learning outcomes above)

Domestic abuse in teenage intimate relationships (learning outcomes above)

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) (learning outcomes above)


Multiple perpetrators

Learning outcomes:

  • Working with girls affected by gangs 
  • Know the key definitions
  • Understand how girls/young women are drawn into gangs
  • Explore the local and national picture
  • Understand consent within the context of gangs
  • Be able to identify the nuances in barriers to leaving
  • How to identify and manage risk
  • Understand pathways and processes for safeguarding and support

Twilight Brochure

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