What are consequences?

Everything that a person does has an effect on something or someone. This effect is known as a consequence. Consequences can either be positive or negative.

Both positive and negative consequences can have a lasting impact on people’s lives.

Sex or physical closeness without consent can have negative consequences for both people involved.

When it comes to sex, remember….

If you are pressured into doing something you don’t want to do, it is not your fault. There are serious negative impacts that forced sexual activities can have on a person’s mental and physical well-being.

If you have pressured somebody else into doing sexual activities, there can be serious negative legal, health and emotional consequences for you.


The majority of rape and sexual assault happens where the two people know and trust each other.


  If you have done the pressuring…

Having sex without gaining consent could potentially lead to you spending up to 8 years in prison.

Sexually assaulting another person could lead to a community order, fine or prison sentence.

Both having sex without consent and sexual assault could lead to your details being put on the Sex Offenders Register. Those cautioned for a sexual offence are put on the register for a minimum of two years, or one year if under 18. Depending on the severity of the offence, this can last indefinitely.  


If you have been pressured….

Potential health consequences can include:

  • Unwanted pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Physical damage
  • Internal injury
  • Mental health problems (depression & self-harm)

Remember, there is support available. 

If you have done the pressuring….

Potential consequences include; sexually transmitted infections.


If you have been pressured….

Potential emotional consequences include:

  • Lower self-esteem and sense of worth
  • Humiliation
  • Fear
  • Hurt.

These feelings can last a long time after the incident has occurred. It is a good idea to get proffesional support to deal with trauma after a sexual assault incident.

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